About the Company

Sometimes the biggest breakthroughs come not from new inventions but from fresh combinations of technology. As dedicated entrepreneurs, we realized that optical sensing technology, microchips, and cloud processing had progressed to a point where we can revolutionize remote urinalysis. 
Developed and launched in Ukraine, and now incubated at and supported by Cornell University, CareTech is dedicated to solving one of the most vexing challenges facing urologists–how to properly monitor and assess patient condition without frequent office visits.


We are currently accepting applications for beta testers.

Curious to learn more about the next generation of urologist technology? Want to join the team as we help build the future of medical analysis? Reach out to us today.

Our team


Dr. Dan Matsui

  • Founder and CEO

    ● Has 12 years of international experience in executive positions both in private and public organizations. Managed teams of up to 100 people with a turnover of up to $15MM● Ph.D. in Physics. Studied material science in the field of nanomaterials for advanced technologies and novel sensors● Has been a CEO of SOE eHealth - a state-owned enterprise responsible for the digital transformation of the national healthcare sector in Ukraine (www.ehealth.gov.ua) ● Created three start-ups, which were successfully acquired by international companies


Oleksandr Korobov

  • Chief Technical Officer 

    ● Has more than eight years of successful experience in the development of ML-driven solutions● Led engineering teams ● Focused on research: AI/ML/NLP/Image Processing/Signal Processing● Development: ai-based solutions wrapped in production-ready web services and standalone applications.● Machine Learning in different tasks related to NLP/Image 


John De Caro, MD

  • Chief Medical Officer

    ● Graduated from Stanford University School of Medicine● Board-certified Urologist with a passion for evidence-based practices and for improving healthcare accessibility● In practice for more than 10 years. Background in Physics and Biological Sciences as well as grassroots development and experiential learning● Taking a lead in Telehealth & Digital Health Innovation. Medical training is enriched by medical school curriculum innovation, teaching, and research in stem cell biology, histology, human genetics, and reproductive health


Olena Rapoport, MD

  • Chief Clinical Research Officer

    ● Experienced coordinator, excelled in patient care, research, and team collaboration at Mount Sinai.● Medical professional with expertise in infectious disease research, innovative, patent holder.


Marina Matsui

  • Head of Product 

    ● Has four years of experience as the Business Analyst and seven years of experience as a process engineer and analyst of embedded systems● Had been working as a product owner at a leading Ukrainian software development company in life science and healthcare projects● Worked as a project engineer and team lead of an international energy project ("Chuangdonbei Gas Project", Sichuan Province, China), where supported a new gas plant start-up 


Sergii Dolzhenko

  • Head of Embedded

    ● Responsible for firmware development, systems design, and device production setup● Has more than 17 years of experience in the development of highly secure hardware products ● Successfully led embedded teams covering all phases from MVP to bulk manufacturing; specializes in the wearable and health tech domains


Dr.Dorogovtsev Andrey

  • Math Algorithms Developer

    ● Professor of Physics and Mathematics, The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine● Has 30+ years of experience as the Head of the Department of Theory of Random Processes at the Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine● Is an author of various publications and is cited in many scientific research works and publications. Hirsch Index by Scopus =11/Google Scholar =15


Liubov Eichner

  • IP & Legal

    ● Is excited with legal support of complicated business solutions. Worked over 10 years as a legal consultant, in-house counsel, and litigator in commercial, civil, administrative trials; commercial arbitration● As an in-house lawyer, acquired extensive legal support expertise in insurance and reinsurance brokerage, catering and hospitality, energy and gas supply


Irina Belenkaya

  • Investor Relations Manager

    ● Responsible in the team for communication with investors, a talent search for the team ● Has more than ten years of experience in IT project management, e-health, talent search● More than 10 years, successfully rebuilt and stimulated the growth and development of long-term strategic relationships in project

Advisory Board


Gary D.
Grossfeld, MD

  • Urologist

    ● Board-certified urologist● Was director of the prostate cancer program at Marin General Hospital● Served as chair of the Division of Urology and Chief of the Department of Surgery


Louis Walcer, MBA

  • Business Development

    ● Director, Center for Life Science Ventures Cornell University● Senior commercialization officer at Cleveland Clinic Innovations● The technology commercialization arm of the Cleveland Clinic Foundation ● Has extensive experience developing new startups and commercialization ventures


Prof. Kendell Cannon

  • Value-Based Healthcare

    ● Project Advisor, Clinical Assistant Professor at Stanford University, and Chief Medical Officer at Pine Park Health● Leading innovation and continuous improvement for aging adults and those with serious illnesses. Passionate about findings on ways to help individuals achieve their personal health and life goals ● Champion of person-centered care, design-thinking, and addressing person-environment fit